PG MAll Bag, Wallet, Belt & Fashion Spree 3 - Addon Order Valid till 4 April (for ready stock items / preorder item which will arrvied before april 9 only) - Order placed for pgmall spree 3. Pgmall say posting out on 10 April.
Click here to view the full collection: Http://
Terms & Condition for PG MAll: Click here to download the template. Replace the sample with your order details. Deposit is $15 per items to be deposit to my posb saving acct, 120-25375-1 and email me yr order template with items images and indicate yr deposit transfer details. Please email us yr order asap, once I've gather enought may close the spree earlier. TW Postage is appx $3-6 per accessories. Item cost will be based on buy price cause the auction start bid low, i do not have the time to monitor individual auction bidding. Items will be posted to you once items arrived. Status for PGMALL: Hi all,
FYI, i've send in the order and made payment for all the goods in early April. He initially say will post out on 10 April. Waiting for delivery till early may but before he posted out, he send me his system order list to verified which are inccorrect and i notified him in immediately in early may.
On may 19 pgmall reply: 買家您好,因為您的商品有點不同,pg確認完後會再回信給您...萱
On 28 May pgmall reply: 您好~PG已收到您的信囉~抱歉..因最近信件較多會盡快回覆給您唷~請您放心~~雅 On 1 Jun pgmall reply: 您好.很抱歉.幫您處理後會盡快回覆MAIL 給您的.飄 On 4 Jun pgmall reply: 您好.真的很抱歉.會盡快幫您處理.處理後會盡快回覆您的..飄.. On 11 Jun pgmall posted out ready stock bags from taiwan.
I've try my best to push him for fast delivery every few days already cause my own bags also inside and fyi i did not markup the prices on the auction as well. I've made full payment and postage to her long time back too and my cash stuck there as well. I also hope she can post out asap too. Seeking for your understanding.
Regards,Charmaine |