Orange Bear Spree 20 - From 11 Nov to 27 Nov Click here to view the full collection:
Free Size Collection:
New Item Collection will be lauch on every tue for Preorder @ the following link: Terms & Condition for Orange Bear: Click here to download the template. Replace the sample with your order details. In the item name, include the item code <>. ie. 《A1555》風雲人物~QQ不收邊圓領皇冠圖騰T Deposit is $15 per items to be deposit to my posb saving acct, 120-25375-1 and email me yr order template and indicate your deposit transfer details. Item will be based on auction buy price. Please email me your order asap, once I've gather enough order, the spree maybe close earlier. TW Postage is appx $3-5 per items. Items will be posted to you once items arrived.
Labels: bbw, big big women, big size, cheap, eyes lips face, free size, lovely, nice, orange bear, orangebear, plus size, plus size dress spree, spree, top, xl, xxl, xxxl, xxxxl |